Hyperbaric Hardshell Oxygen Chambers

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers



Painless, gentle, effective FDA cleared treatments.

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*All chambers include 3 year warranty with purchase.


Unique design including both internal and external pressure valves to be able to monitor pressure both inside and outside.

Pure Oxygen

Cabin oxygen exchange system pumps oxygen into the chamber while user breathes pure oxygen inside as well.

Tech Safe

Easily get in and out of your chamber for completely safe solo use. Use your phone, iPad and computer inside.

Expert Support

FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype, and Zoom installation included with purchase. On-site installation and training provided by request.

Trusted By Professionals

Unlocking the Potential of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Time-Tested Solution for Wellness and Recovery

While hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may seem like a revolutionary concept, its effectiveness has been embraced by celebrities and athletes for decades. Notable figures like former NFL star Terrell Owens and Tim Tebow of the Denver Broncos have openly praised HBOT for its role in accelerating their recovery from sports injuries. Even the legendary Michael Jackson was rumored to incorporate HBOT into his nightly routine, attesting to its potential benefits.

HBOT offers a seamless path to healing, endorsed by the FDA for the treatment of thirteen different ailments. Its gentle and painless approach has garnered praise from individuals across various walks of life, with success stories transcending the confines of scientific validation. For those grappling with chronic conditions such as diabetes and anemia, HBOT serves as a beacon of hope, revitalizing life and functionality where conventional wisdom once deemed it improbable.

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FDA Approved Therapies

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved HBOT treatment for 13 conditions including non-healing wounds, stroke, carbon monoxide poisoning, burns, and ischemia, amongst many others. With an increase in medicinal usage, many hospitals are now able to administer HBOT to multiple patients at a time.
  • Air or Gas Embolism
  • Lack Of Oxygen
  • Anemia
  • Brain Infections
  • Traumatic Injuries
  • Skin Grafts
  • Radiation Damage
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Diabetic Foot Ulcers
  • Stroke
  • Autism or Neurological Disorders
  • Exceptional Blood Loss
  • Intracranial Abscess
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What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "Transforming Recovery: My Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Experience in Florida
    Recently, I had the pleasure of attending my brother's wedding weekend in Florida, which was an unforgettable celebration, perhaps a bit too unforgettable, if you catch my drift. By Sunday, the festivities had taken their toll, leaving me in a less-than-ideal state, to put it mildly, after three nights of revelry and the main event.
    Enter the game-changer: my sister-in-law's Medical Spa, equipped with a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. With nothing to lose and my discomfort mounting, I decided to give it a try. She set me up in the chamber, I donned my headphones, and within minutes, I was sound asleep. Roughly an hour and fifteen minutes later, I awoke to find my hangover had completely vanished. It was as if the previous nights had never happened. The difference was night and day—literally. I was left thoroughly impressed by the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. It's safe to say, these chambers have my full endorsement."
  • "Reclaiming My Life: A Journey of Healing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
    Around a year and a half ago, I endured a life-altering car accident that left me with a multitude of injuries, including surgeries, the removal of intestines, a collapsed lung, and various internal wounds. Since then, I've grappled with persistent pain and sleep disturbances, resigning myself to a future fraught with uncertainty regarding my well-being.
    However, fate intervened at a dinner party hosted by a mutual friend. The topic of hyperbaric oxygen therapy arose, and to my surprise, the host revealed they had a chamber right in their home. Intrigued yet somewhat skeptical, I shared my struggles with them, and they graciously invited me to experience it firsthand.
    As I settled into the chamber later that evening, little did I know that I was on the brink of a transformative journey. Although my initial session seemed unremarkable, the true magic unfolded that night as I experienced the most restful sleep since before the accident. Astonishingly, my pain, which typically ranged from a 5 to an 8 on the pain scale, plummeted to a mere 2.
    Overwhelmed with gratitude, I reached out to my host, who welcomed me to return for more sessions. With each visit, I found myself rejuvenated and increasingly pain-free. Recognizing the profound impact of hyperbaric therapy on my life, I made the decision to invest in my own chamber.
    The team at Hyper Health proved invaluable, guiding me through every step of the process, from setup to training. Today, I couldn't be happier with my decision. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has not only restored my physical well-being but also reignited hope for a brighter, pain-free future."

  • "Discovering Restful Nights: My Unexpected Journey with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
    For as long as I could remember, a full night's sleep had been an elusive dream. Restless nights were my norm, with sleep coming in brief three-hour spurts if at all. On a whim, prompted by a friend's intriguing stories, I decided to explore hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Skeptical yet curious, I ventured into the Hyper Health showroom to experience it for myself.
    Settling into the chamber, I was taken aback by the wave of relaxation that washed over me. It was a foreign sensation, one that allowed me to doze off during my session, which lasted just over an hour. While I felt noticeably relaxed upon leaving, there wasn't an immediate, transformative moment. Or so I thought.
    The true revelation came that night. At 8:00 pm, I drifted off to sleep, embarking on an uninterrupted 12-hour journey to the land of dreams. Waking up the next morning, I was astonished. For the first time in what felt like forever, I had slept through the night without disturbance. The impact was profound, and the experience undeniably changed my view on the potential of hyperbaric therapy.
    This serendipitous decision, made on a whim, has revolutionized my nightly routine. The difference is night and day, and my skepticism has transformed into a genuine appreciation. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, it turns out, was the missing piece in my quest for restful sleep. I'm not just a believer—I'm a beneficiary."
  • "Revitalizing My Game: How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Elevated My Tennis Experience
    As an enthusiastic tennis player who's kept the love for the game alive from high school through my time at the University of Florida, and well into my early 50s, I've witnessed firsthand the increasing toll the sport has taken on my body. The aches and pains were not only becoming more frequent but also lingered longer than they used to. It was Tim Tebow's compelling testimony about hyperbaric oxygen therapy that caught my attention and prompted me to explore this option further.
    In my quest for solutions, I stumbled upon Hyperhealth. Their approach was refreshingly educational rather than sales-driven, providing me with a deep understanding of the benefits and operation of their chambers. My research extended to other suppliers, but Hyperhealth stood out not only for their product's quality, as confirmed by conversations with their satisfied customers but also for its value. The deciding factor was their comprehensive support, including installation assistance and training, which solidified my decision.
    Incorporating the hyperbaric chamber into my daily routine has been transformative. The benefits have surpassed my expectations, reaching well beyond tennis. On the court, I've noticed a significant improvement in my strength, stamina, and recovery from aches and pains post-play. However, the impact of hyperbaric therapy on my overall health has been the most remarkable change. It's as if every aspect of my well-being has been enhanced.
    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been a game-changer for me, fundamentally altering my life for the better. I'm healthier, more vigorous, and able to enjoy tennis with a vigor reminiscent of my younger years. My experience with Hyperhealth and their hyperbaric chamber has been so positive that I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their health and athletic performance. The team at Hyper Health has not only provided me with a superior product but has also played a crucial role in this life-changing journey."
  • "Embracing a New Chapter: Our Journey with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at 80 and Beyond
    Two years ago, at the ages of 80 and 81, my husband and I embarked on an unexpected yet transformative health journey with our first hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Motivated by my husband's knee issues and my own dwindling energy levels, we were intrigued by the potential of hyperbaric therapy after witnessing our son's recovery from an accident. This led us to acquire a home-use 1.4 model, enabling us to integrate this therapy into our daily routine at our own convenience.
    Fast forward to today, and our commitment to hyperbaric oxygen therapy has only deepened. We've introduced a second chamber to our winter residence, ensuring we maintain our regimen of 4-5 sessions per week, regardless of our location. The benefits have been profound and multifaceted. I've experienced a significant and sustained boost in my energy levels, while we both have observed improvements in our circulation, memory, sleep quality, and blood pressure. Remarkably, my long-standing battle with anxiety has also seen considerable improvement.
    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has not just been a health intervention for us; it's become a cornerstone of our lifestyle, offering us a newfound vigor in our 80s. The changes we've witnessed are not subtle—they are life-altering. We are living proof that it's never too late to embrace new technologies for health and well-being. Our dual-chamber setup ensures we never miss a session, underscoring our belief in the power of hyperbaric therapy to enhance our golden years. We're more active, healthier, and enjoying life to the fullest, thanks to this incredible therapy."

  • "Choosing Change at 50: My Hair Transplant and the Unforeseen Benefit of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
    As I approached the age of 50, I was faced with a decision that many confront at some point: to embrace baldness or explore hair transplantation. The stories of varied success rates had me apprehensive, yet the desire for change propelled me toward the latter option. Concurrently, my wife, inspired by my decision to invest in myself, chose to bring a hyperbaric oxygen chamber into our home, a decision that, amusingly, cost less than my own hair restoration endeavor.
    Initially skeptical about the chamber's potential benefits for my post-transplant recovery, I mentioned it to my doctor, who, while not having direct experience with hyperbaric therapy in this context, encouraged its use, suggesting it could only help. Motivated by his openness, I began to incorporate regular sessions in the chamber as part of my recovery process.
    The impact was nothing short of remarkable. Within just a few months, my update photos to the doctor showcased not just rapid healing but also an unexpectedly swift growth rate of the transplanted hair. Even more surprising was the retention rate of the implants; nearly all had survived, a rarity in the hair transplant field. This progress caught my doctor's attention, prompting a detailed inquiry into my use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
    A year since that decision, my journey has not only resulted in a successful hair transplant but also influenced my doctor to integrate hyperbaric therapy into his practice, recommending it to all his patients. This personal experiment of mine, driven by a leap into the unknown at a milestone age, has inadvertently contributed to a broader understanding and acceptance of hyperbaric oxygen therapy's benefits in post-surgical recovery and beyond.
    My story is a testament to the unexpected paths our choices can lead us down, turning personal ventures into opportunities for widespread change. It underscores the value of open-mindedness in the pursuit of well-being and the serendipitous discoveries that can transform our lives and those of others."

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